Unity Editor Extension

Object Shuffler

Unity Engine Visual Studio C#

This is an editor script I wrote to create a controlled randomization of objects placed within a game scene. With simple clicks a row of objects can be randomly switched, renamed, duplicated, and shuffled within a set range of x,y,z axis limits.


Unity Editor Animator

Animation Creation

Unity Engine Visual Studio C#

Animation under Unity is amazingly simple. The tools available make quick animations easy to layout by taking snapshots of bone postions and rotations along an animation timeline. Here is a quick ladder climbing animation I made for a leaning ladder I built for climbing out of a waste water culvert.


Unity Editor Animator

Flight Animation

Unity Engine Visual Studio C#

Another quick animation event that was designed to pick a random flight path to key locations that would drop off players onto a multi-player game map. This was designed as a plugin that could be used across multiple maps and different player counts. This also sends signals to the camera to create the illusion of movement on a still scene.


This was a character controller I built utilizing a popular static mesh on Mixamo with their animations. The controller included camera follow and rotate, while implementing weapon reloading, firing, healing, and all other base functions. Weapon hits would read material type and generate a proper response to the type of materials hit. The second version expanded with bone hit info to make different hits have different damage such as leg or arm vs head-shots.


Physics simulation of a buoy along the shoreline with a half sunken cargo freighter washed up along the coastline.


Development Learning

Map Location Snapshots

A shallow murky overflow pond that sits just outside of the levels main railway yard. This area of water has a small blue stream that feeds into it from the lower frame and also a few storm drain run-offs adding to the transition from a clean brook to a muddy stagnant pool.

The Main-Line passing through a nearby railroad yard. The railroad building has operational doors, and equipment along with the Burlington Northern style boxcars that can be unlatched and entered next to the platform.

This cemetery was built and designed to test the Object Shuffler Editor Utility. You can easily build up graveyards like this in matters of seconds. This was just a snapshot of what could be created in just a handful of mouse clicks while testing.

This cemetery was built To create a sample multiplayer test map entrance.

This room concept was based off an image I saw while browsing online. Thought I would try my hand at creating a mock-up of the original.